Aluminum profiles

We have a wide selection of ALUPROF aluminum profiles in our range, both standard and specialized. The highest quality material allows for their use in the construction industry. Aluminum is characterized by natural resistance to corrosion, making it ideal for use in places exposed to environmental conditions. We also offer profiles used for fire doors and partitions.

We use aluminum profile systems for various types of windows, doors, and facades. We tailor the appropriate type of profile to meet expectations, making them functional, aesthetically made, and meeting technical requirements. Our products have good insulation and water sealing properties.

Each of the profiles we offer stands out for its high quality, durability, and reliability.


Types of Aluminum Profiles

We offer many types of aluminum profiles suitable for the function of windows and doors. The profiles differ in the depth of the profiles, the heat transfer coefficient, insulation and tightness, and design capabilities.

You will find ALUPROF profiles with us:

  • MB-45,
  • MB-45S,
  • MB-59S,
  • MB-59SE,
  • MB-78EI.

The MB-78 EI system has a Technical Approval ITB AT-15-6006/2011.

Aluprof MB-45

MB-45 jest nowoczesnym systemem aluminiowym, służącym do wykonywania nie wymagających izolacji termicznej elementów architektonicznej zabudowy wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej, np.: różnych typów ścianek działowych, okien, drzwi, w tym drzwi przesuwanych ręcznie i automatycznie, drzwi wahadłowych, wiatrołapów, witryn, boksów kasowych, gablot, konstrukcji przestrzennych.

Głębokość konstrukcyjna kształtowników okna wynosi: 45 mm (ościeżnica), 54 mm (skrzydło), a drzwi odpowiednio: 45 mm i 45 mm. Takie przyjęte głębokości kształtowników skrzydła i ościeżnicy dają efekt jednej płaszczyzny od strony zewnętrznej po zamknięciu – w przypadku okna i efekt zlicowanych powierzchni skrzydeł i ościeżnicy – w przypadku drzwi. Kształt profili pozwala uzyskać smukłe i wytrzymałe konstrukcje okien i drzwi.

Istotnym walorem systemu MB-45 jest możliwość gięcia profili, ościeżnic, skrzydeł i przewiązek, co umożliwia wykonanie różnego rodzaju łuków oraz konstrukcji łukowych.

Szczelność zapewniona jest dzięki stosowaniu specjalnych uszczelek z kauczuku syntetycznego EPDM, który gwarantuje odporność na starzenie podczas wieloletniej eksploatacji.

Cechą charakterystyczną systemu jest jego ścisłe powiązanie z systemami okienno-drzwiowymi MB-60 i MB-70. Uniwersalność i atrakcyjność systemu dodatkowo zwiększa możliwość dokonania wyboru pomiędzy kilkoma wariantami rozwiązań, w przypadku różnych szczegółów konstrukcyjnych, np. uszczelnienia dolnego skrzydeł drzwi, uszczelnień drzwi przesuwanych i wahadłowych, kształtu listew przyszybowych, kształtu i wysokości progów drzwiowych.

System pozwala na stosowanie zestawów szybowych grubości od 2 mm do 35 mm w skrzydłach okien oraz od 2 mm do 26 mm w oknach stałych i skrzydłach drzwi.

Aluprof MB-45S

The MB-45S system is used to produce doors equipped with recessed fittings and partition walls with doors. It is part of the MB-45 window and door system.

The depth of the profiles is 45 mm. Glazing or other fillings are mounted using glazing beads and gaskets. The door construction allows for the use of glazing sets with thicknesses ranging from 2 mm to 26 mm.

Products based on the MB-45S system are aesthetically pleasing and have good functional properties. They are characterized by very simple and fast prefabrication thanks to the elimination of most of the time-consuming machining. The profile design, thanks to the special grooves used, allows for the installation of various types of hinges, latches and bolts without machining. Profile connections are made, similar to the MB-45, with minimal machining using aluminum connectors and additional accessories. External and internal glazing gaskets are mounted continuously, without cutting at corners, connecting the ends of the gaskets at the midpoint of the top crossbar of the door frame. This glazing method ensures good water and air tightness and significantly reduces assembly time. The entire process of product installation allows for the offer of economical structures that meet high functional requirements.

The MB-45S system structures for internal doors and partition wall segments passed with very good results the tests carried out at the Institute of Building Technology in Warsaw.

Aluprof MB-59S

The MB-59SE is part of the MB-59S window and door system. The profile depth in this system is 50 mm. The materials and structural solutions used ensure high technical parameters, such as very good thermal insulation and high water and air tightness, while allowing for a reduction in production and assembly time. Renowned companies’ standard fittings can be installed in them.

Structures with MB-59SE are characterized by a low heat transfer coefficient Uf value of 2.73 W/m2K. The system allows for the use of glazing sets with thicknesses ranging from 4.5 mm to 31.5 mm. Products based on it have undergone numerous tests in accordance with EN standards, obtaining very good results.

Aluprof MB-59SE

MB-59SE is a part of the MB-59S window and door system. It has a depth of 50 mm for its profiles. The materials and design solutions used ensure high technical parameters such as very good thermal insulation, high resistance to air and water infiltration, and at the same time allow for shorter production and installation times. Standard fittings from renowned companies can be installed in them.

The MB-59SE structures are characterized by a low Uf heat transfer coefficient – from 2.73 W/m2K. The system allows for the use of glass sets with a thickness from 4.5 mm to 31.5 mm. Products based on it have undergone numerous tests in accordance with EN standards, achieving very good results.

Aluprof MB-78EI

ALUPROF MB-78EI – Fire-resistant doors and partitions

The MB-78 EI fire-resistant partition system is used for the production of internal or external fire-resistant partitions with single and double-leaf doors with fire resistance class EI15, EI30, EI45 or EI60, according to the PN-EN 13501-2 + A1: 2010 standard. It is largely compatible with the standard window and door systems from ALUPROF S.A. – MB-45, MB-60 and MB-70 (they have common profiles, details, fittings, finishes, etc.).

The MB-78 EI system design is based on aluminum profiles with a thermal barrier. The depth of the profiles is 78 mm. The profiles are characterized by a low U value thanks to, among others, special profiled thermal barriers with a width of 34 mm. The system allows for the use of all typical fire-resistant glass types of appropriate classes (filling thickness from 13 to 49 mm). Within its framework, smoke-tight constructions can also be obtained in several variants of execution. Research conducted at the Building Research Institute in Warsaw also showed that products made from this system also have very good acoustic insulation (up to 40 dB).

In 2011, the MB-78EI system was modernized and obtained new possibilities in terms of allowable construction dimensions and other design solutions.

Regarding fire-resistant structures, it is possible to mount MB-78EI system doors in the MB-SR50 EI system facades while maintaining fire resistance in classes EI30 or EI60.

The MB-78 EI system has an ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6006/2011.